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Féléves Bemutató 2021-22/1
Szabad Barátaim // My Free Friends // 2022
Összeesküvés-elmélet generátor // Conspiracy Theory Generator
GPT-2 Szöveggenerátor modell segítségével
A generátornak összeesküvés elméleteket adtam 200 ezer karakterben. Az összeesküvés elméletek az első tanulási fázisban a következők:
- A Holdraszállás nem igazi és megjátszott volt
- Lincoln igazi gyilkosai
- Az Annunakik, mint ősi civilizáció
- Gyíkemberek
- Lapos Föld elméletek
- A CIA titkos gyermek-kereskedelmi ügyletei
Példák Generált szövegre:

Heartbreaking news indeed was coming out of NASA’s front door, as previously reported by LA Weekly and The Hollywood Reporter. The Washington Post reported (via The Intercept): “The launch of the Friendship 7, the world’s first orbiting space probe and the world’s first spacecraft to leave Earth’s orbit, was supposed to be the first test of a new landing platform for flights past the Earth orbiters’ reach.”
The story went on to say that, “Two of the world’s most sophisticated orbiting spacecraft were slated to dock on the launch pad shortly after liftoff. Launch vehicles for the Vanguard rocket and the Hubble Space Telescope are also expected to dock on the pad.”
It was announced just before 6 PM Eastern time (ET) that the three launch vehicles would be ready to go high-risk space missions, with the goal of actually landing on the Moon. The news was picked up by the local and national media, with local media covering the announcement as if it were a Hollywood script.
The news came as a huge shock to all those who had been trained in the art of hypnosis. In addition to being completely normal, the hypnotised astronauts would be wearing body cameras and holstered appropriately, and with the aim of releasing the human data into the public domain. Anyone with critical thinking skills would be well placed to tell the truth, but this would be a massive lies' Eve with all the pomp and circumstance of a John Wilkes Booth rally.
The first alleged live broadcast from the Moon came during prime time hours on Christmas Eve, though it was good cause that was once again roaring back with another installment of its kind.
ArtKollektor - kiadvány

On the night of April 14, 1970, the crew of the “Crystal Shard,” a 10-foot-tall crystalline crystal weighing some ten tons, began to crystallize the lunar module’s cargo, dubbed the Lunar Module, which was to be the final assembly of the spacecraft’s lunar modules. The cargo was to be carried aboard the International Space Station (ISS).
The ‘Crystal Shipwreck’ is a collective term for the collection of bits and pieces of historic spacecraft that are left behind when they leave orbit. The ship is commonly referred to as the ‘Crystal Shipwreck’ because of the lack of any recognizable superstructure and the vast majority of the artifacts left behind are, essentially, pieces of spacecraft that were left behind because they were not in orbit when the modules were launched.